What is the risk?
Control key, or more precisely the lack of key control is one of the biggest risks facing companies or owners.
Security System
Without a central control can not be sure who has the keys or the number of keys to your property. Not having a controlled key patents leads to unauthorized key duplication services, leading to unauthorized access to your property or theft of employees.
Most systems utilize patented keys and key cylinders, or thoseCylinder lock closure systems employ very precise, which can be used only with the unique key of this system. Because the cylinders or keys are patented, the duplication of keys only by authorized professional locksmiths work to be performed.
The key fields and lock cylinders are available only for the same factory authorized professional locksmiths. The process may be present, so it should work with security contract to other professionals, as needed.
TheAble to control locksmith dealer level, at the dealer or manufacturer level.
All control systems require high-security key took a special permit or copied keys. These procedures ensure that the owners or managers always know who and how many buttons. If an employee leaves, and the buttons, you can be reasonably sure that no copies of the keys are in circulation.
Most systems have the cylinder,Retrofitting of existing hardware to reduce costs to maintain. Some systems use different levels of security within the system, but provide a patented control, but does not require very high security, where it is not necessary. These measures are still focused on cost control.
Most systems can be masterkeyed, some existing locking systems are coordinated. There are systems available, the interchangeable core cylinder, the removable core allows retrofitting existingSystems.
Your security professional can help you choose the system that best suits your needs.
Jim Newell
Please visit http://www.secureyourstuff.com for links to manufacturers sites and crime prevention sites, many of which have additional security tips. This information could save your property or even life!
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